Great minds think alike? :D Yes, I love this site. The people here are so wonderfully supportive, and they really know how to criticize without being critical.
You quickly rose to the top of my “must read” ficleteers. Your style , dialogue, i can’t think of anything to be critical of your work.. always interesting.. never boring. No one ever read what I worte until Ficlets. Aug 200.. and Im ever grateful to all who not only read them but give me such high praise.. the best feeling of all for a writer.. to be read and apprciated. I never thought what I wrote was good enough,and truth be told until i discovered this community, my writing wasn’t that good.
I love Star Wars. I like your prespective on using a fear to push you to do well. I wouldn’t worry about the fear, you are a great writer. That is the honest truth. Some of you just have the born talent and you are one of them. LoA
Trying to Blend
Capital "W" Writer (LoA's Geekus Awesomeus)