
Doing a Job (Birthday Ficlets Challenge)

I entered a house and the feeling swept threw me. Now for me to attract the spirit. I take out a blue candle and light it. The candle some how attracts ghosts and the blue shows that I calming. I walked in a circle attracting the ghost to the candle even more. I little boy, must of been about 8 at the time of his death came to me. He had a grin on his face and laughed. I held back my tears when I saw the big lump on his head. To head them to the path I must sing a song. I took his hand and started to sing.

Trust me
Follow me
Believe in me
The heavens call me
To take you
Do not worry.

The child falls into a trance. Walks toward a wind and turns into orbs and goes out the window. Job well done.

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