
Lonely Morning

Joan sat at her kitchen table looking out at the window. The rain on the outside matched her crestfallen mood. She had a cup of coffee infront of her that she had not touched in some time. Its soothing properties were no help to her aching heart.

Its been three weeks, since she learned of her best friends untimely and un expected death. Somehow she felt lost and lonely without him.

In her mind she recalls parts of his life, Almost like a story unfolding in her mind. She recalls a day, much like this one. The day they met. He was new to town and rather shy. His first conversation with her was about the weather.

Then she thinks about the time he was sitting across from her playing his guitar as she told him stories about her family. Mainly her crazy Aunt Janet.

As she peered out the window, she felt angry at him, for taking his life. She pondered how well she really knew him. She questioned his reasons for such drastic measures. She called it a foolish game. And how it broke her heart. She lost him.

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