
True Colors (New School)

Jenna thought as always, that she was not very attractive. Yet jake felt she was. Little did Jenna know that she would become an object of his obsession.

See Jake had a problem, he was a loner and really did not make friends very easy. He had a controlling personality and at times he could even be quick tempered.

He saw Jenna as this girl who was very in-exsperience with guys. Little did he also know Jenna was a very cautious and bright girl. She had a weakness, that weakness would soon lead to a bad situation.

It was Friday, and Jenna could not wait to get up and get to school. She told her self that she was not taking any more negative comments about her appearence.

She decided to dress a little different for school. something that would not look out of touch.

she rassled with the notion that she had to maintain who she was no matter what.

She thought, that loosing your indentity to fit in is like trading in your soul for a life that is not you.

Things were about to change.

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