
Lost Cradle

We thought we knew everything.
In the early 21st century, humankind had finally begun to realize what we were doing to our home. Many looked to their leaders for action but were only given lip-service and half promises of vague future plans. In the loud buzz of the media, a small but momentous event passed virtually unnoticed by the general populace.
The LHC , heralded by the scientific community as the largest and most powerful particle accelerator of its time, would provide the needed information to complete The Grand Unified Theory.Warnings of possible disaster went unheeded in the resultant explosion of heady scientific discovery and advancement which shoved mankind into an age of space exploration and colonization.
In a few short decades, the population of the Earth, The Moon, Mars and various orbital stations had reached nearly 9 billion. These new colonies, still dependent upon Earth for many resources, watched in horror as their old home sank into the singularity created decades ago.

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