
Feel the Noise [Retro Music Challenge continuation]

Jonas turned to charge out the door and saw a startled man in a faded military uniform to the side of the door, about to do the same, lone pistol at the ready. His eyes were wide with fright, as though he had a devil inside clawing to get out.

“Those men out there…” Jonas began to ask.

The uniformed man groaned, “Oh, who can it be now?”

Hyrum just laughed, “Looks like you’re in as much trouble as we are.”

“They say I killed a man…lots of men. My partner framed me as a murderer!” He was sweating bullets and looked a little faint.

You got lucky, kid,” Jonas said with a wink. The man didn’t look inclined to agree.

“Seriously,” Hyrum added lightly, “We’ve been in worse spots. Stick with us, and you’ll have some fun…might even survive it!”

“Enough yammering,” Jonas barked cocking both his pistols and glaring out the door, “Cum on feel the noize!” And with that he charged into the sunlight, with Hyrum and their new friend close behind.

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