
Just Leave, Please

I watched as Garrett turned around, phone st hand. Kirsty looked mortified, and her mother furious. It was actually pretty comical. The two of them standing there. So, I laughed. My mother looked at my with a stare that made me want to curl up in a ball forever. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole.
Then it did. No, actually, it didn’t, I was kidding. “So…” I began, not sure of what was going to happen. “What should we do?” Suddenly everybody looked at me like I was crazy. Kirsty put her hand up, as if giving up. “I’m leaving. I can’t take it anymore!” She walked away, towards the door.
Garrett came back into the room with a frown on his face. But it dissappeared as he saw Kirsty leaving. He kissed my forehead, and embraced my in a hug.
Kirsty was halfway out the door when she turned on her heel and shouted, “See you later Garrett! I’ll see you on Friday! Remember our date?”
She is so freaking persistant!

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