Infiltration And Information
Lt. Donaldson, of the Earth Corps’ Armoured Recon division, stopped and checked his powersuit’s on board compass. Right on course.
He had landed on the planetoid’s far side, in hopes of avoiding detection. No enemy ships had come up from the surface to intercept him, so all was looking good. Even so, it had been a three day trek to get from his ship to where he was now, but the alien base was only an hour or two away.
Hopefully, the rest of his mission would go as smoothly. They had been fighting this invasion for almost three years, and they didn’t even know what the enemy looked like. They didn’t even have a name for them. That was why Donaldson was here. To get information, not matter how seemingly insignificant.
His motion sensors picked up a target. He checked the readings. 3 meters?! Impossible! The motion system could pick up a fly at 120 meters!
As he turned, an energy burst struck him. All systems went off line. The last thing he saw before blacking out was a human face studying him, curiously.