
Via I-M (8)

next day

Kmartluvr: Hey, what’s up?

Wishiwsbrnin1916: Nothing, today was such a funny day

Kmartluvr: oh i know. It was soo much fun though. Ed was so mad at everyone who was laughing, i was trying to calm him down but he was going off on a rampage.

Wishiwsbrnin1916: Oh yeah, he got way too mad, it was just a joke. We weren’t laughing at him, we were laughing with

Kmartluvr: Nah he’s mad because he thinks that kailtlyn is responsible for the whole thing

Wishiwsbrnin1916: They used to date right?

Kmartluvr: yeah, that’s why he was really mad.

Wishiwsbrnin1916: yeah but the part i saw was the 8th period part of this..was this whole situation going on all day

Kmartluvr: Let me tell you what happened..ok so in homeroom, Frank was picking on Ed for the new haircut..and Ed was taking it really seriously. So Frank was like “Man, i’m just joking but seriously you don’t look that bad” and Ed just didn’t answer so Frank nudged him and Ed fell off his seat. Everyone started laughing

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