
Hot Butter and Ice don't mix [1980's Arcade Game Challenge]

“That’s It!” exclaimed Professor Pengo.
“That’s how we can stop global warming!”
The professor had been studying climate change for many years, up close in his native Antarctic climate. The changes were becoming more apparent, as he busied himself trying to find a way to reduce greenhouse gases. Now, the puzzle pieces (or diamond blocks, depending on how you looked at them) were coming together, all-the-while “Popcorn” by Hot Butter played on the radio, on an endless loop.
At that instant, a Sno-Bee came crashing through his igloo wall. Pengo ran quickly, knowing his research was safe where it was, but he wasn’t. If he could just get to that electric fence, he would be safe. The professor ran as fast as his stubby flippers could move. He blasted through his wall, making a daring escape. The Sno-Bees of big business had been trying to stop him for years, but had yet to find him.
At least now, a solution was in sight. Now, the struggle would be to implement it before all the ice blocks were gone.

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