
think of somebody else

For once in this world don’t just think of yourself,
at least think about somebody else.
Your not the only human on this earth,
come on and come fourth.
You only think about you,
the chance you had with me just blew.
Like the wind blowing through your hair,
you try to catch it because it’s no longer there.
You start to yell but it does no good,
hear me out u r misstunderstood.
I am being very clear on what i said,
and no i am not messing with your head.
No i am not being a tease,
i can be very easy to please.
But when you act the way you do,
i don’t want to love you.
I mean who would,
who would.
You mean nothing to me anymore,
You are so hard core.
I don’t want to love anyone likeyourself,
not untill you think of someone else

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