Back To School
I woke up suddenly, wondering why it was I had dreamed of him again. Seth. I hadn’t talked to him since I was a little girl, and yet, for over a week I had talked to him in my dreams. Maybe it was my unresolved childhood issues bubbling to the surface, trying to break free. Maybe I just needed a damn good cry. Since Seth’s mother had taken him away when I was 7, I really had no childhood. I grew up quick, and maybe that’s why I married Daniel. I love him, but he wants kids. I don’t. That probably has something to do with my sucky childhood as well.
“Babe, you awake?” I sat up in bed, “Couldn’t sleep anyways. I’m gonna get ready for work.” Daniel nodded and snuggled back into our generic white comforters. Yet another bore I had become accustomed to.
I walked into the school; Surprisingly I was a teacher, one dream I actually went through with. English was my passion.
I opened the door, and there he sat, a little blonde boy holding his hand crying. Was I dreaming AGAIN ? No, Seth was here, he had come back.