
coffee anyone?

as i slowly drifted in and out of a sweet slumber, i realized that i wasnt alone…i was being watched.
i sat up fully alert and muscles tensed as i frantically looked around to find nothing but my clothes on the floor and Tylonol on my nightstand.
i grasped the Tylonol and threw it back in my mouth and head throbbed and i felt like i might vision blurred and i sank back down into the soft heap of my blankets and eyes drifted closed and everything was lost…but only for a while…
i woke to shrill screaming.i couldnt figure out who it was and then i discovered that it was me.i thought that i must have had a i shrugged it off and swung my aching legs out of bed.i dragged myself down the hall only to find coffee already brewing…i stood there before the coffee and i slowly drank in the was calling my name.i poured it down the sink and put another pot on.
as i drank my new coffee i got ready.
i left my house and went to work puzzled.

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