
Dragons Don't Exist

Dragons don’t exist.

There is, of course, a fine line between fact and belief. Just because something is true doesn’t mean that anyone believes it; conversely, a great number of people believe things that are categorically not true. And that doesn’t take into account the things that may or may not be true, but which attract great debate.

“Dragons don’t exist” is not one of those things. It’s not debated; for the most part, nobody even thinks about it, because it is so blindingly obvious that dragons don’t exist. It gets filed under the mental category of “the way things are” very early in life. No-one does experiments, establishes research teams or begins scholarly arguments in the scientific journals on the subject. Dragons: Fact or Fiction? is not going to be shown on the Discovery Channel any time soon.

Go to an empty hilltop, swept by the rain and wind, and scream out to the heavens “Dragons don’t exist!”

You will be met by silence, by indifference. No-one cares.

Except the dragons.

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