
Insane People do Insane Things

He knew all my secrets. He knew all my lies. There was no hiding from him.

And I couldn’t get away.

He knew everything. He saw the parts of me no one else saw – the bits of creative genius. The bits of insanity. He could’ve written an entire biography on me, complete with direct mental quotes, he was that…invasive.

I didn’t want such a book to ever be written.

You have to understand! Would you give the power to read your mind to anyone whose mind was a blank to you? NO! Of course not! So how would you like it if your thoughts were stolen right out of your head? Without your consent?

That’s right. Not at all. It’d drive you nuts. Absolutely insane!

Crazy things make crazy people. Crazy people do crazy things. Insane things make insane people who do really, REALLY insane things.

Like kill a man.

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