

When I was younger, my parents insisted on my taking martial arts. I was never very good at the physical aspects of it. I had the flexibility and the strength, but I just couldn’t get the moves down for some reason. But the one thing I did excel at was meditation.

My sensei had taught me how to put myself into a trance and visualize myself somewhere else. Sometimes, the visualization was so intense, I actually felt like I was there. I once imagined myself on a beach in Tahiti. When I described it to my sensei, he told me I had just described the place he and his wife had gone on their honeymoon.

So, upon arriving at the cabin, I set to work. I had to take a couple of hours to clean up, first. My sister and I had avoided the cabin since mom and dad died, so saying there was a little dust is like saying Vesuvius puffed out a little ash.

Four hours later, and the cabin was spotless. I cleared a spot on the floor, sat down, lotus-style, and began pulling myself inward.

What I got was beyond my expectations!

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