
Cpl. Arthur Eisenstein: Viet Nam Vampire (2)

“Fall out!â€? L.T. orders as the sun settles on the horizon. “We’ll make camp here.â€?

We break ranks and drop our gear. As the last rays disappear, I pull off my hood and feel the steam rising around my bare skin.

“Shadow! Front and center!â€?

In a flash, I’m standing at attention before my C.O. “Yessir!â€? I say.

“You’ve got watch,â€? L.T. says. As he turns and starts to walk away, I glimpse his carotid. Its pulse is tantalizing and I reflexively bare fang.

L.T. freezes in his tracks and does a half-glance. He’s good. You could almost say his senses are vampire-like. Almost.

“Doc!â€? he barks out at last. “You’re on with Shadow.â€?

Chappy jumps to his feet. His hand is on the stake at his belt. “I’ll go,â€? he volunteers.

“I said Doc!â€? L.T. countermands.

Doc steps up. He’s our field medic and a good guy to know, but he’s always been nervous around me. He’s smiling, but his hand is on his stake.

I sigh and say, “Let’s go.â€?

I take point and we head off to establish our perimeter.

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