
First Sight

I just stood there, staring. Rude, I know. What can I say? I saw her, and my brain shut down.

I’ve never believed in love at first sight. Even with Jenny, I’d know her for almost two years before I started to notice her.

But here, in this place, I knew I could lose myself forever and not care, as long as I was with her.

Hair so long, she could use it as a cloak. And a blonde so light, you’d almost think her hair was white. Even with the hue from the windows, I could see it. It was like the purple light that permeated everything refused to touch her. Refused to mar that perfect beauty by trying to change it.

Her fine boned, heart shaped face held eyes that were slightly almond shaped, and such an amazing blue, clear summer skies would seem bland by comparison. There was weight to her gaze. Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge. All of it tainted by a sadness beyond measure.

She smiled and lay a hand on my cheek. “Come,” she said. “Lets get to work.” She pulled her hand away, and took my heart with it.

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