
Evening Ponderings

The sky above me danced across the horizon in an array of hues like elegant dancers at a ballet. I inhale deeply as I walk to my car sitting silently, patiently. I take a moment to look at the church adjacent to the parking lot. I imagined ninjas climbing from every which way along the roof and steeple of the church. I wasn’t sure as to what they wanted…but I was certain they were after me. They didn’t look like they cared for a friendly chat. I tossed my purse and readied myself for battle. The first ninja came from above…I ducked and narrowly missed the second one. My waitressing skills paid off as I was a master of balance from serving drinks all day. My reflexes were lighting quick…so much so as to dodge a blow from yet another ninja. The battle grew fierce but I fought valiantly. That was until the sound of a distant horn awoke me from my thoughts. As I climbed into my car, I couldn’t help but to grin as I glanced back at the steeple and thought I saw what looked to be a ninja staring back at me.

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