
The Story of the Black Panther

Dakota: Well, I was in Africa. It is a perfect place to just get into nature. Anyway, I was sitting at on a rock, locking at a spring and I heard a noise. I turned around, wand out preparing to fight. Jazz just stood there and didn’t do anything. I stood up but tried to not make any sudden movements. I stuck my wand out at him and gave him a little flash of light, just to try to scare him off. He didn’t move, no whimpering or growling. I thought this was so odd, I did it again, still nothing. I slowly took a step towards him and he still didn’t move. Another step and still nothing, it is like he didn’t care. I noticed that he had a collar on him, I thought he must of been a pet that attacked so they sent him to the wild. I knew I could train Jazz to be tame. Someone must of really attacked him to lung back. Once I was about to go towards him, he started running towards me.

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