
an easter song

“thomas. brother. i came as soon as i could, what’s going on?”

“they took him. they stole him away”

“what, who… wait, you mean jeshua? did the romans steal his body?”

“not the romans. some of US, so-called disciples. mary was going to wash the body this morning and saw them carrying the bloody shroud away, james was watching and came back and threatened her if she told. threatened his own family’s lives! the tomb is empty.”

“the tomb must not have been appropriate, maybe they’re moving him to another resting place more suited to a ki…”

“no. no. then why the threat, why the secrecy with our own people, taking him before dawn? don’t you see? now they can make him messiah, make him fulfill all of the prohecies. now he can be a god, and they can write whatever rules they please. division. refusal of all he’s taught: love, acceptance, unity… all gone. they’ll make sure of it.”

“you don’t believe that. surely they wouldn’t sully his name and message like that…”

“no? i wish i shared your confidence.”

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