
Awesome Winners of the Awesome Challenge for the International Day of Awesomeness as Awesomely Decided by the Grand Awesome Marshall

Winning time! Winning time! Come git yer winnins!

Boy, this was tough. I had 14 official entries off the challenge and then at least 20 other unconnected ficlets by bold ficleteers who either stuck a bit of awesome into a series or just created awesomeness de novo. Here’s what I came up with for winners.

Awesome Assist goes to Kasumi Rose and her Character Generator Challenge [23833] since it spawned 4 awesome entries.

Random Awesome RunnerUp goes to The Dod for his hilarious and truly random Is Awesomeness Really Worth All That Tuna [23980]

BigAzz Random Winner goes to the chilling and touching Awesome: a ficlet witch burning tale [24094] by Disturbed Youth.

Connected RunnerUp goes to Awesome Just Doesn’t Cover It by Geek Mythology for great writing, and surprising me with the use of awesome, and cause it inspired a sequel which also rocked.

BigAzz Connected Winner goes to CMTKM ’s Ozymandias Retold, or That Awesome Thing in the Desert for a brilliant low brow take on a high brow source.

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