I don’t believe for a second you’re creatively washed up, i think you’re picking up steam and on a roll.. don’t stop. please. write more do another marathon.. i’m amazed at your work. LoA
I’m jealous that you can take a fit of writer’s block and make something creative out of it. Every writer can relate to the sentiment conveyed here. And what makes it all the more amazing is that it is told primarily through dialogue. LoA
You know what my main inspiration is for getting past writer’s block? All the wonderful people here on Ficlets! Anytime I feel stumped for a story, I take a look at what others have written, and something always pops up. I may have no connection to what I’ve been reading (actually, it usually doesn’t), but you all are still my inspirations. Thank you!
Kermitgorf is right! You’re on a roll! Don’t stop now! I am really jealous too! You can write a whole series in a matter of hours! That is amazing! LoA
The thing I find amazing is that I had no plan what so ever when I started writing that series. I’m very much a stream of consciousness writer. Which drove my creative writing teachers in high school completely nuts! “Mr. Loewen, where is you story outline?” “I don’t have one.” “Then what did you use to write your story?” “Uh, my imagination.” (Actual conversation. :D )
♠Ana Cristina♥
Capital "W" Writer (LoA's Geekus Awesomeus)
Capital "W" Writer (LoA's Geekus Awesomeus)