
Bad Day

i got home from school with a splitting headache and writing all over my left arm. mom yelled at me for about thirty minutes. whatever
as soon as i walked in the door i cursed the air in my house and flew back to my room, flopped face first into my pillow, and cried for a good five minutes.
i dont care i kept telling myself who cares what they think of me, anyways?
being the only girl in your high school who hasn’t know everyone her whole life, i’m quite akward and its hard to mkae friends when everyones really had their same friends for over 5 years.
this sucks. mom doesnt care, dad doesnt care, even my boyfriend daniel, as much as he would love to, he could never understand what i’m going through. its easy for guys to make friends. girls are catty and fiesty, i’m timid. i miss maggie. she’s my best friend in hawaii. we e-mail but thats about it. she wasn’t my only friend in HI, but she was definately the best. i wonder what she’s doing right now…

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