
Never Again... (Story Challenge)

It was a waste of time… and tears. The whole relationship was a waste. I really cared about him. I loved him. He told me he loved me. Now even saying his name disgusts me. I wish I had never met him.

Too much time wasted. I gave up days for him. Days that would be better spent watching paint dry or grass grow. I gave him my days and he wasted them. Too many times stood up. To many times I saw him with another girl and not realized it. I wish I could have that time back.

Too much tears. It was a waste for me to cry for him so instead I cried for how stupid I was. Why did I think he changed? I should have never given him a second chance. Why did I believe his enticing words? It is going to take a long time for any man to get my guard to go down.

I guess in a way he changed me. He wasn’t a complete waste. He let me learn on how not to let a man take advantage of me the way he did. Never again will I let that happen, never.

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