The Slightly Offset Mind of the Hacker Type
I grab another can of Diet Coke and settle down for a night in front of the PC. It is vacation after all…finally hours of undisturbed surfing and hacking. I log myself into my usual chat, to see that only a couple people are on, including Jonas, this guy who’d been helping develop a new code that I was having issues compiling. I clicked on his name and opened up a chat window.
>>Hey, long time no chat.
>Yeah last night seems ages ago lol.
>Hey I got a suprise for you…
>>Erm…no thanks. I think I know better than to accept file transfers from you…
>Are you sure you don’t want one?
>>Quite sure.
>But it’s just for you! It’s harmless, I promise…unless you let it loose of course. And if you don’t feed it.
>>Yeah that’s what you said about the last one, and look what that did. I had to completely start from scratch.
>That was a mistake, I shouldn’t have given you that one.
>>I don’t think so buddy.
>But it’s so cute!
>>You realize you’re talking about a computer virus, don’t you?