
The World Will Keep Spinning

“Your methods of interrogation never cease to amaze me, Rollins. Supplying him all that false information. He’s a history teacher for crying out loud.”

“At least I was kind enough to tell him his real name, Gomez.”

“You think he’s telling the truth – he’s really got amnesia?”

“Yeah, somebody worked him over real good.”

“Think he’ll take out Banks?”

“Banking on it. Revenge is a powerful motive.”

“It would be nice to close the file on Banks. We’ve been chasing him, what, eight years? He always seems to slip away.”

“Not this time.”

“You gonna put a tail on Mr. Jones?”

“Better take care of it ourselves – we may not get another opportunity like this. We’ve gotta make the most of it.”

“Ready to release him?”

“Let’s give him time to come up with a real nasty plan.”

“You’re a real detriment to society, Rollins. You know that?”

“If Twiggy Banks is off the streets, I don’t care how many history teachers take the rap for it. The world will keep spinning, its streets a little safer.”

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