
Fired! (XII)

“Four days…” I muttered, stunned. No. No, it wasn’t possible. I pulled the gold coin out of my pocket and looked at it. Sure, enough, on one side was the likeness of King Hani. And on the other, the royal crest of the Beldeford family, monarchs of the Southern Vale for over 300 years.

“Jaime,” I said, “You’re not going to believe this! I wasn’t missing. I was with Delisu Adrovan in Southern Vale!”

“Dave, this is no time for games!” she yelled. “Do you not understand what I’m telling you?!”

There was a click on the line, and a voice said, “David will have more than enough time to understand, Jaime.”

“Mr. Sandeval!” I exclaimed. “Please! I can explain!”

“I am not interested in your explanations. You are fired!” He slammed the receiver down. I didn’t know what to say.

“Jaime,” I whispered, “I don’t… I didn’t…”

“David.” She was suddenly so calm. “I’ll talk to him. My father’s just worried. I’ll get him to change his mind. Meet us all for dinner at 7:00.

“And, Dave, you’d better have a good story.”

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