
Ace Casecloser and the Toy Cars (part 3)

“So George, what do you think about the stolen toy cars?” I looked him in the eyes.
He sat at a desk in the hallway, I walked around him.
“I dunno. I don’t think Jared should have left his cars out like that.”
“Oh really? Why do you say that?”
“Someone would probably steal them, which happened.”
“Someone like you could steal them!” I looked down at him. “You wanted to make him feel bad, because you hated him so much! So you took the cars!”
“I didn’t! Go ahead and search me!”
So I searched every pocket and compartment in his backpack. All I found was a toy car tire. It could’ve been from any toy car, but nonetheless, I confronted George. “Is this yours?”
“Yeah,” he said matter-of-factly.
So I searched his desk and found even more toy car tires. “Can I keep this as evidence?” I asked.
“No, they’re mine!”
Hmmm… he seemed very suspicious. Now, I had to interrogate my least suspected suspect- James Whitley.

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