
Hate or Adore

I’m working on a deadline for a site that’s supposed to go live tonight (Friday, March 21st, 2008) and I’ve been writing through the night on pages of technology copy.

Since I still really want to write a Ficlet, and might be a little low on energy / creativity, I wanted to post a poem that I wrote a few months ago. So, here it is…


Complacency, a seed that should never grow roots in my heart;
Expectations, a self-predestined future that will tear me apart.

Flow like a viscous liquid that adapts to form;
with membrane intact, rework the norm.

Destiny, just a figment in my wildest dreams;
Blood, the payment token if I want to succeed.

Buzzing like a bee with an alcohol rush;
my mind wandering on the canvas with life’s paintbrush.

Choice, the responsibility that lies with us all;
Failure, what happens when I don’t risk the fall.

Knowing my ceiling but never even reaching the floor;
these are my qualities, hate or adore.

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