
Bittersweet Truth

Brian’s face must have given away his expression because she began to nurture him. ‘It’s OK’ ‘You’ll make a girl happy someday’ but he was still in shock. It felt like somebody pushed his heart further into his chest-mid beat. He could have shed a tear. Danielle tried to hug him but he pushed himself back. He had to go.

Brian walked out of the apartment, abnormally calm. As he progressed to the park, he felt a chill inside. Then a shudder. Before he could realize it, tears flowed. It hit him: this friendship is over. He will never have the one thing he always wanted, more than anything else: her love. She will never look past what she thought Brian was, and she will never forgive this moment. It’s worse than hitting a woman, to be in love with one who does not love you. He was pleading to Juliet whilst she is making love to Iago. This is why women and men cannot ever be friends.

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