
Z.M. + R.G. 4ever!

“Yo, Zack, look what that Rose girl wrote on her notebook!” My friend, Alex called across the room. I ran, well jogged, to where he was. An embarrassed Rose cringed as I headed that way.

Z.M. + R.G. 4ever

I rolled my eyes and pushed Alex playfully. “Jeez, grow up, man!”
Not to be conceited or anything, but, being the starting quarterback for my school, I was used to this. But it was weird, Rose wasn’t the football type. But then again, she was into musicians, and I was in a band.

I smiled at her and she blushed. She looked, as always, good, but in her own way. She had spunk, she was dynamic, not boring, or flat.

Her curly black hair was down, with a bright pink beret, and the streak of blue was noticable. She wore a black tank-top with a chunky, bright colored necklace. Her tattoo was in plain sight on her writst. A shooting star. I liked that. I have a bird on my chest.

“See ya around,” I said, heading back to where I was, at a table with Rian and Jack.
Then Jack said, “She’s hot!”

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