The Time Traveler in Trouble
The time traveler kept the best secrets, because no one knew he was a time traveler. Everyone just thought he was an overpaid gym teacher.
Sure, he raised a few eyebrows driving to work in a Maserati. But who would ever guess the truth? Even if someone did, he would just go back to before it happened and stop it. The time traveler kept the best secrets, because traveling through time makes it so easy.
He won the lottery, and nobody suspected a thing. Same for getting into Harvard. It took a few attempts to make valedictorian without studying, but eventually he got that too. Life was good.
Until the time warden showed up.
“Do you have any idea how time travel works?” asked the warden sternly.
“Nope, I just do it.” The time traveler was smiling, because he was already making plans to prevent this awkward meeting from happening.
“Look, son. Every time you change the past you create an alternate future universe! You’ve already made thousands of them!”
“It’s a MESS !! And now… you must clean it up.”