
Back to school

By Monday, everyone knew Lucy and I were going out.
“Tom’s got himself a girlfriend!” Several people would jest in the hallways as Lucy and i held hands.
I didnt see Kayla, and hadnt thought much about her until Paul came running up to me.
“Hey guys… Er, Tom, can i talk to you for a minute?”
I gave him a puzzled look, “Sure.” I smiled at Lucy and followed Paul into a niche in the hallway.
“Tom, have you seen Kay at all?”
“Uh, not today, no.”
Paul sighed, “People’ve been saying she’s hiding in the girl’s bathroom, cutting herself… she heard that you’re dating Lucy.”
At that moment, i felt my heart tear in half… I just couldnt bare the thought of seeing Kayla like that. I felt myself holding back tears after a while. No… not again…
“Tom, you’ve gotta find her before she does anything else… something worse than cutting.”
I wanted to die… I couldnt utter anything but a weak “ok” with the huge lump in my throat.
God, help me…

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