
Raw Love

I can remember the night we met perfectly.I danced until my high-heeled shoe broke, and he was there to fix it. He kept super glue in his truck, and I couldn’t just walk around with one shoe could I?

The way he talked intreged me. The passion in his voice, and the love in his eyes. Everything he talked about, he had a reason for. There was a purpose for everything, he thought, and because of his raw emotion, I believed him.

I saw him a few times after that. The same excitement in everything we discussed. As in awe as I was of him, his emotions scared me. The way he could discuss so freely how he felt, frightened me.

I was a coward. I didn’t answer his calls, and did return his romantic messages. The power he could hold over me scared me away from a love that I knew could be so true.

And so here I sit, getting ready to go clubbing with a friend. Those high heels sit in my closet. A small trace of glue still on that one shoe. I rub my finger across the heel, and I remembered the night I danced.

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