
What's The Plan? (XXIX)

“We have an advantage, though,” Alex said. “Albrecht knows Adrovan will send someone against him. It’s just a matter of time. But what he doesn’t know…”

“Is how much we know about him!” I interrupted. “I created him. I know all his strengths, and all his weaknesses.”

Exactly!” Adrovan said, smiling. He turned to Robert. “Does that answer your question, Robert? The one you’ve been wanting to ask.”

“Why us?” Robert nodded. “Yeah, it does. Perfectly.”

Adrovan’s face became decidedly grim. “There is one more very important thing you should know. This may be a game world to you, but you must understand this: If you die here, you will not be going home. There are no resurrection spells here.” Everyone seemed to accept that.

“Okay,” Robert said to me. “What’s your plan?”

“Well, since you pointed out that this is an RPG world, we do what any good gaming party would do.”

They all smiled. They knew what was coming.

“We walk right up to the front gate and demand to see Albrecht.” I stood up. “Right now.”

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