
Battle Joined! (XL)

“Alex,” Albrecht said. “Do me a favour, please. Kill your little mage friend.”

“Of course, my lord.” Alex drew back his bow, taking aim at my head. I looked him in the eye, defiantly. I almost missed it, but he glanced down, then up, then winked at me, a lopsided grin on his face.

The other must have noticed, as well. We all acted in unison. The instant Alex fired, I yelled, Reflekti!, casting a spell to reflect the arrow, hopefully (if Alex’s angle of attack was right), directly back at Albrecht. It did.

At the same instant, I hear Jaime call on Cassia. “Cassia, ripari!” One well kept secret in this world: Elves were the only race whose priests and priestesses didn’t need to touch their targets to heal.

As soon as he was healed, Will drew Windsinger and charged the demon, with Robert hot on his heels, axes at the ready.

We underestimated Albrecht, though. He rolled out of his throne, the arrow barely missing him. He drew his red-bladed rune sword, and turned to Alex.

“You die first, traitor!”

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