
Heaven On Earth.

I happened to be looking out my window in one instant. It was a moment that would change my life in some cruel twist of fate. I could vaguely see a short figure in the middle of the street.

A crack of lightning rippled across the sky and at that moment I saw a little short-haired girl in a knee-length summer dress. Her eyes were closed, and one of her hands held up high to the flashing sky above her. She was letting the rain fall against her pale face.

She was unusual though. When my eyes scanned the rest of her, I noticed two soaked wings, with rain dripping of of them. She was concentrating hard, as if willing the rain to soak her to the bone. She must have sensed me looking at her.

She turned towards me and opened her eyes. They were a deep violet, and seemed to be piercing into my soul. I was frozen, my mouth opened as if to say something but nothing came out.

But then I heard a voice in my head that said:
the lightning is beautiful, isnt it?

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