
Love in Rifle Sights (CLDM 11)

“Oh! A kitty!”

The kid ran in, saw a kitten half asleep on the table and had it in her arms before it could even lift one sleepy eye.

It mewed pitifully but was ignored as Meat head dropped darth vader in the only chair. Blondie immediately stripped his helmet and armour off. Only the child’s presence stopped her stripping him of everything else as well.

“Hey, handsome,” she flirted when he opened his eyes, dropped his jaw and fixated on certain parts of her chest.

“Who wants to be in the sodding marines anyway?” he said.

Bonehead looked at the discarded armour. “You want these?”

“Keep em, with pleasure,” the soldier replied, eyes glued to the blonde. “We may be of different races…”

“Shut up and kiss me,” she said.

Big guy finally forced his head into the too small helmet. With his nose squashed flat he made a big hissing noise each time he breathed in. “Back to the field, Shhhhh,” he sighed.

The kid came up and held his hand, cat and gun in the other.

“Time to go,” Les said.

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