
Handsome Men Can Make Us Forget Who We Are

He had my attention soon as he entered the room.

I watched as he made his way to the front of the room.

He had a smile that would light up a night sky,

Eyes that would keep me from getting on the bus.

I thought for a second that he glanced at me, but wishful thinking.

Every female was stairing at him as if they won the lotto.

Fake giggles, and over pretentious ideas flooded the room as each person got their say at the conference.

He was the lead speaker and his voice would put a baby to sleep peacefully.

I smiled uncontrollable as he hit joke after joke trying to keep us from falling asleep and or board.

It was my truned to stand and introduce my self and to say what facility I was from.

quickly I ran the lines of what I was to say as the girl before me finished making her self look bad. She made the misteak of saying I like your tie.

I slid my chair behind me as I stood up and faced the room with a smile, and then I said “Hello my name is?” and I forgot what my name was…

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