The Great Debate (Spiderman vs. Superman)
Newsman: We turn to the debate between Spiderman vs. Superman, a debate that has stood for years on end.
They turn to the debate between two cartoon reader experts, or what they call experts, Bob Markson and Will Chapings.
Bob: Spiderman is a superhero that can’t even fly! What is a superhero that can’t fly?
Will: But Superman is so full of himself! Just look at the big S on his shirt, it screams hey look at me I am Suuppermannn.
Bob: Psshhh, you know what, you just can’t accept the fact that Superman is way better than Spiderman!
Will: No, you can’t accept that Spiderman is better than Superman!
They both stand up in there cartoon Spiderman and Superman shirts and start throwing punches. All the sudden the Screen goes blue and words appear. They say we are experiencing technical difficulty.
Me: BOO ! This news channel sucks!