

I felt a drop of rain drop on my face as I was looking up at the sky, as if I could actually see it.
I whipped out my phone and asked my Mom to pick me up. I forgot my cane, so I couldn’t walk home.
I sat down in the already damp pavement and waited.
Why would she do that?
Nathan probably started it, but Hayley wouldn’t have gone through with it.
But she did.
I heard a car pull up and my Mom’s voice. Without a word, I hopped into the car. We drove home. My mom asked a ton of questions about the trip, but I didn’t answer her.
Throughout the afternoon, a became quieter and quieter. I started to retreat to my own thoughts more and more over the next week.
Hayley came up to me a couple times, but I didn’t even talk to her.
I was back to being quiet Tyler.

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