The Truth About Tummy Buddies
Dr. Voor chuckled. “Oh ho, I begin to see. She told you that when she first…emerged, hmm? To make sure you’d let her back in?” He nodded. “I suppose you were disinclined to do so.”
“Uh…yeah,” I said. “So…they don’t have to stay in the host or die?”
“Oh, goodness no. They can still pass for completely human for as long as they like; they can even carry Tummy Buddies themselves.” Dr. Voor offered me a sheet of paper from his desk. “I’ve been working on this brochure, which you might find helpful.”
I glanced at the title: “Your Tummy Buddy and You.” Then I looked down at my belly. “Can’t stay out too long or you’ll die, huh? Did you really think I wouldn’t find out about—wait.” I suddenly thought better of the question. “Don’t answer that. In fact, don’t answer any questions at all, understand?”
I whimpered and coughed. “There has to be a better way to communicate!”
“A better way? Oh, of course there is,” Dr. Voor said.
“There is? What is it?”
“Well…do you know Morse Code?”