
WOW! 150 FICLETS! Actually, this is #151, but who's counting? A Challenge!

Okay, now that I’ve expressed my excitement in the title, I’m ready to tell you the contest.
Recently, I have gone with my cousin to the Liberty Science Center, and I was really interested to the exhibit on race. Especially since I was adopted and everything.
But in the exhibit, they had this book that was filled with someone’s photograph, and their explanation of who they are.
So that’s my challenge.

Who are you?

I want you to tell me, the world, that. And I don’t mean name, age, et cetera. I mean what makes you, well, you?

Maybe it’s your talents, your personality, your great sense of humor. I don’t know what it is, you tell me.
I’ll try to think up an example and I’ll make it a sequel in case you are confused.

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