Life is Like...
Life is like a cake
Doesn’t look the same on the inside as it does on the out
Even tastes different
Sometimes it’s sweet on the outside and flavorful in the in
Life is like a sunset
Sometimes you can just sit back and enjoy what you have
The of sky is your love
The sun is you
Life is like a horse
Glides in graceful ways that make you go in awe
Runs by fast
Is never afraid to give you a kick in the butt
Life is like a puppy
Needs love
Needs care
Needs fun
Life can be over in an instant
Like an alarm
Once it goes off
It’s over
So live life
Eat the cake you like
Watch the sunset
Ride a horse
Love, care, and have fun
Sometimes life may kick you
Or is not what it is on the inside
Live life though because when you do you get everything you need
So what are you waiting for?