Another failure, Bumpit challenge
“What do you mean, you ‘Harvest’ my Dreams?” The beeping began to increase in frequency again. “Who are you people? Where am I? I do so exist!” came in a quickly louder and more frantic tone matched by the beeps of the heart monitor morphing into a single sustained tone.
“You see, I told you that this one was too fragile. Well, see if you can bring it around again.”
“OK, so you were correct, yet once again. You don’t have to emphasise it to such a great extent.”
“Where am I? Who are you people?”
“Um, how shall I phrase it?” The male paused and his face lost any appearance of life momentarily before it re-energised, “Ah yes, we are researchers into the thought processes of Homo Sapiens.”
“What?” she cried to a background of beeps sounding more closely together.
“The elimination of Emotions seems to have some, shall I say, undesirable side effects and we have found that your more primitive species may, and I must emphasise may, be capable of providing answers.”
“See, I told you it was too fragile.”