
A fart in the dark-she speaks!

A small smirk appeared on the old lady’s wrinkled face. It got bigger as the smell became stronger. The cat jumped into the old lady’s lap and yawned wiggling its way to settle for a nap. The old woman’s eyes still had not left the young middle aged woman’s eyes. Yet there was no life in the meeting. The smell rescinded, but no body moved in the room. Not the old lady,not the young middle age woman and especially not the cat. “Why hadn’t the old lady blinked?” A giggle. The smirk slid from the old woman’s lips into a wrinkle. The cat moved- but did not wake. Another fart rang out in the silence. The smell filled the darkness of the room. The old lady closed her eyes. “What is wrong with you? Can’t you read the sign on the door?” The young middle age woman gently grabbed her scarf off the cat in the old woman’s lap. “How come you can stand the smell in here? I have alzheimers you know. I remember nothing. I remember no family. No life have I- except what I remember now. Sit down & listen now!”

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