
Something Like That

I evened my stance and spread my arms out.

Initiate Command #001

I heard the hissing of escaping air as my armor split off of me. The arms and legs went off first, then it was time for the rest. The spine of the suit had a bunch of needles in me so it can move with spinal cord. Also, at the top there was a thick chord that connected to my skull and my brain via a metal socket in the back of my head.

I inhaled quickly as all of the needles and the chord disconnected. Then, with a final hiss of protest, the rest of my armor fell to the ground with a loud clang! I took my helmet off.

The fluorescent light blinded my eyes. My visor always protected me from the light. I felt so weak I could barely stand. My armor always supported me a good bit. with out armor, I was nothing.

“Sit in the chair, we are going to do a program download for you.” The trainer said.

“Like the ones they used so I could learn how to walk and talk and things?” I asked, my voice weaker without my suit.

“Yes…something like that.”

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