

Mike: She wasn’t.
Me: Mike, I’m so sorry that you had to go through that.
Mike: No its okay, really. Don’t worry about it. Let’s just get some things and head back to the other side.

I agreed, but didn’t go back into the plane. Mike collected some things that could be useful and he handed me an armful.
Mike: Sorry, is that too heavy?
Me: No, I got it.
That was a lie. Obviously.

Mike took about half of what he gave me back and then led the way to the other side of the island.

Me: So, um where do you think she is?
Mike: Demi, please. I’m not as strong as I look.
Me: Sorry.
But he spoke again anyway.
Mike: You were blacked out for a while once we hit shore and I was thinking it was because of the water. So anyway, I left you on shore and went out to sea to look for Sam. It was impossible to find her and I felt, I honestly felt like dirt until you woke up. Thankfully, you awoke before I killed myself.
Me: You were going to kill yourself?
Mike: Well, I did think about it. But that was it.

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