OJD ~Self Conversation Challenge~
You have a problem.
Excuse me?
I said you have a problem.You obsess over stuff.
So? I have OJD ,its an incurable mental disease.
It’s not good.In fact its strange.
There is nothing strange about OJD !
Its basically an admission that you stalk the Jonas Brothers.
I do not stalk the Jonas Brothers!
Yeah?Where are they now?
Somewhere around Conneticuit!
See!You didn’t even have to think about that!
So what if I have OJD ? You’re me!That means you have it too!
Not nessicarily.I’m a different side of our personality.
Look at Joe Jonas and tell me what you see.
I plead the fifth.
You can’t plead the fith, imbecile! Answer the question!
I can neither confirm nor deny-
Fine! Joe Jonas is hot and his brothers are too!
Was that so hard?
You have another problem.
Are you kidding me? We are not doing this again.
I’m serious!
You know what? You have a problem.
Your problem is you are the problem! What do you think of that?